April - Spring Has Sprung

April - Spring Has Sprung

April showers bring lots of opportunities to use VideoStamps - on gifts, with flowers, on cards, and even stuck wherever someone will find it. 

For many people, April is their favorite month. The weather is getting warmer. The days are getting longer. We can get out and start gardening. Grilling. Bike rides. Spring break. You name it.

April is also a month of transition for Mother Nature, as hibernating critters awaken from their winter sleep. Butterflies and bees gather nectar from flowers that have started to bloom. Birds are headed back north for the summer. And VideoStamps are awaiting your creative flair to share with friends for all the occasions you have coming up in April. To help get you started, here are this month’s flower, Zodiac signs, holidays, trivia, quotes and some awesome gift giving ideas.

April Flowers Bring May Flowers – Daisies and Sweet Peas

Like most months, April celebrates two flowers, most notably, the Daisy. Daisies are a world-traveled flower, originating from Europe and warmer areas of Asia and then making their way to Australian and North America. They are also one of the oldest flowers documented in stone carvings dating back to 3000 BC.  It’s no surprise that the name “daisy” has its roots in an Old English phrase “Daes eige” which translates to “day’s eye” … ah that’s perfect!

Daisies are reminiscent of the sunflower, with its perfectly shaped petals surrounding a bright, yellow center. In fact, they are one of the first flowers to bloom in the morning, as if to greet you with a sunny smile. Perhaps this is why people born in the month of April are positive, virtuous, and always have an innocent, carefree air about them. People born in April tend to be admired by others and playful and joyful like a summer breeze. A bouquet of simple daisies is perfect for wives, mothers, daughters, and lovers who prefer modesty over attention.

Boungiorno, sweet pea! Originally from Italy and spread around the world, sweet peas are among the most colorful of flowers, from white to peach and purple to blue, and some even have stripes and swirls. While each color can have its own meaning, we’ll stick to the basics. Just remember that sweet pea colors tend to match the meaning of that color, regardless of the flower it’s on. Purple = nobility/strength. White = purity/modesty.

Sweet peas also have one of the loveliest fragrances of all flowers. It’s so special that it’s something you’ll remember. Hence, sweet peas also represent a cherished memory or goodbye. So perhaps you have a friend or loved one who moved away, now is the time to send sweet peas (or a sweet pea related gift) along with a VideoStamp recalling a key moment in your friendship. Sweet peas work well on their own in a bouquet or as a colorful compliment, so choose a color that best represents your recipient.

April Zodiac

Birthdays in April are either Aries (March 21- April 19) or Taurus (April 20 – May 20). People born under the sign of Aries are natural born leaders, full of optimism and a youthful spirit. Perhaps they’re not the best planners and tend to be impatient, but they definitely get the job done. Flowers are the honeysuckle and thistle.

Folks born under the sign of Taurus are strong willed and stubborn, but generous and loyal. They enjoy simple pleasures and comfort and aren’t timid about seeking them out. Spending time with a Taurus is a wild ride and promises to be a fulfilling, long-lasting relationship, as long as you don’t get on their bad side. Flowers are poppies and roses.

April Holidays and National Days

April is loaded with fun days, interesting facts, and opportunities to attach a VideoStamp to whatever comes to mind. 

  • April 5-9 Holy Week for many religions, including Passover on 4/5, Good Friday on 4/7 and Easter Sunday on April 9.
  • April 5 is National Deep Dish Pizza Day
  • April 8 is National Zoo lovers Day
  • April 10 is National Sibling Day
  • April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
  • April 13 is National Scrabble Day
  • April 14 is National Gardening Day
  • April 17 is National Haiku Poetry Day (give a VideoStamp haiku)

"Have a gift to send?
Attach a VideoStamp
And make it better"

  • April 20 is Volunteer Recognition Day
  • April 20 is National High Five Day
  • April 22 is National Earth Day
  • April 23 is National Talk Like Shakespeare Day (he was born in April)

"VideoStamps are gifts that spread good cheer
And move your friends to smile from ear to ear."

  • April 24 is National Bucket List Day
  • April 26 is National Pretzel Day
  • April 27 is National Tell a story Day
  • April 28 is Arbor Day
  • April 29 is Independent Bookstore Day
  • April 30 is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Just think of all the ways for you to share some fun with your friends and families with well-placed VideoStamps. Try our Variety Pack!

April Gift Ideas

For birthdays and holidays and just being a good friend, here are some gift ideas and everyone of them goes better with a VideoStamp.

Mini Daisy Grow Kit
It’s the April flower and they’re easy to grow. Even those of us with black thumbs will see results! To get a jump on all the flowers of the year, check out VideoStamps new Flower bundle with notecards for every month of the year.

Gift Items with Flowers of the month
Dish towels, glasses, notecards, and candles all can be found decorated with daisies and sweet peas. 

Okay so this might be a little off the wall, but people are getting back into the woods, hills, beaches, and mountains now. Multitools are a must-have and are pretty darn cool too.

Smoked Spices Gift Set
Get your grillin’ on! There are lots of sets available from expert, award-winning grill masters guaranteed to take your friend’s bbq to new heights. Send it with a VideoStamp and make sure you get an invite to their next shindig!

Now You Know - April Trivia

April is a month that has something for just about everyone. Challenge your friends with a VideoStamp!

April’s birthstone is the diamond. Yikes! Good luck with that.
April is Humor month, so tell a VideoStamp joke.
For word lovers, the first Webster Dictionary came out on April 14, 1828
For disaster lovers, the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912
For war lovers, the Revolutionary War began on April 19, 1775
For book lovers, the Library of Congress was established on April 24, 1800
For government leader lovers, George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789
For art lovers, Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452
For theater lovers, William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564
For Motown lovers, Marvin Gaye was born on April 2, 1939
For car lovers, the Ford Mustang came out on April 16, 1964

For hamburger lovers, McDonalds opened its first store on April 15, 1955
“Houston, we have a problem.” Yes, the Apollo 13 mission was in April of 1790
For astronomy lovers, Venus will be bright in the early evening, and on April 9th, if the weather permits, you’ll see our smallest planet, Mercury close together in the post-dusk sky.

There you have it. April in a nutshell. And don’t forget Tax Day – April 18th.

April Quotes

April, come she will
When streams are ripe and swelled with rain.
-Simon and Garfunkel

Winter’s done, and April’s in the skies. Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!
– Charles G.D. Roberts.

April…hath put a spirit of youth in everything.
-Shakespeare (Sonnet

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. April is a promise that May is bound to keep, and we know it.
– Hal Borland

Reading next

March is Employee Spirit Month!
Happy Mother's Day!

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