How to make your holiday gifts even better!

How to make your holiday gifts even better!

The holidays are here at last, and with all the holiday commercials, decorations, parties, and that long shopping list, it doesn’t take long to get “holidayed-out.” But what if there was a way to add some Christmas magic this year and make every gift you give even more special? We have the answer! VideoStamps video greeting cards and stickers.

VideoStamps are the best way to turn your holiday gift-giving into gift-LOVING! VideoStamps let you add a personal video message to just about anything. Each VideoStamp sticker or card comes with a unique QR code. Simply scan the QR code, record your video message, and attach the VideoStamp to a package, card, letter…whatever! Then, when your friend, family member or loved one receives it, they scan the QR code and enjoy your video message made just for them.

And what makes VideoStamps even more awesome is that they can record and send a message back to you! No other video message service offers this option.

Here are more reasons VideoStamps can help you get through the holidays with Christmas cheer and make your holiday gifts even better.

Be there even when you can’t be there.

VideoStamps are especially meaningful when you can’t be with family and friends when opening holiday gifts or cards. We’re often across town or across the country and being able to send a personal video message means so much to the ones we care about. They’ll be able to view your message right as they’re opening a package and know how special they are to you. And, again, they can reply with a message of their own or send an emoji.

Toss out the old “To/From” gift tags.

It’s out with the old-school and in with VideoStamps. You can add a heartfelt video greeting to all your holiday gifts. Tell them how they inspired that gift and why you got it for them. Maybe sing a Christmas tune. Pan around and show them your holiday decorations. Get the whole family involved. Whatever you do, it’s going to be WAY better than the old tag. They might even enjoy the video clip more than the gift!  

VideoStamps come in a variety of designs and types. Our 2”x3.5” Santa stickers are the perfect gift tags. And this VideoStamp has a space you can write on and tell them who it’s from. Or let it be a mystery… 😊

Add some “who gave me this” fun.

Mysteries are fun! If you use VideoStamps, you can add more excitement on Christmas morning as you open presents. And add some intrigue when you play “Secret Santa” at your holiday office party or with friends.  It won’t be until they scan the QR-code and see your video that they’ll know who gave them the present! 

Use VideoStamps as the ultimate Holiday Cards.

If you’re like many of us, you have a long list of people you communicate with once a year with holiday cards. How many times are you going to upload a photo of your family, smiling like robots, to a Holiday Card factory? Make your Holiday Cards come to life with a truly meaningful, personal video they’ll remember and can keep forever.

So this year, buy a box of generic cards, attach a VideoStamp message, and send that instead. Everyone on your holiday card list will be delighted and uplifted knowing you took the time to send an individual video message just for them.

Get ready for Valentine’s Day!

Once the holidays are over, the decorations are put away, and the wrapping paper and ribbons are stored for next year, it’s time to look forward to Valentine’s Day. A VideoStamp is perfect for adding a romantic message to a dozen roses or diamond earrings. They’re on their way, so check back soon!

Your messages are private, and your information is safe.

With VideoStamps, there’s no app to download and none of your personal information is required or stored. Your video messages are completely anonymous and private.

Tis the season to make videos!

Fill your holidays with joy and videos with VideoStamps.  From a stocking stuffer to the big box in the back that everyone is wondering about, every gift will be more meaningful and heartfelt. 

Get VideoStamps this holiday season and give them what matters most. You.


Reading next

15 Ways (and counting!) You Can Use VideoStamps.
Tips for making a great VideoStamps video.

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