VideoStamps - Spring is about to be sprung!

VideoStamps - Spring is about to be sprung!

To give you some inspiration on how you can use VideoStamps, this is the first of our monthly newsletter full of birth and zodiac flowers, gift ideas, holidays, trivia and more. 

VideoStamps are great for all your gift-giving occasions, but they’re also fun ways of letting someone know you’re thinking of them. So, play a little game, talk some trash,  make a joke, or even try a clever prank. There are countless ways to use a VideoStamp. Just use your imagination!

If you’re thinking, “why use a VideoStamp? why not just text someone a video?” then you’re missing the point. With a VideoStamp, your message can be anywhere, attached to anything.

  • Stick one to the refrigerator and tell the kids you baked them brownies because they’ve been so good.
  • Sneak one onto your spouse’s laptop and remind them how much you love them.
  • Attach one to the front door to leave instructions for a dog walker or housekeeper.
  • Leave video instructions for guests.
  • Leaving on a business trip? Leave your spouse a special note under their pillow.

And they’re the best “thank you” messages you can send. Thank someone for the gifts you’ve received, your mail carrier and trash collector during the holidays, for Teacher Appreciation Day, to the hotel cleaning staff…you name it. VideoStamps make it fun and easy to spread happiness and goodwill. Just keep some VideoStamps Thank You stickers  with you and you’ll be surprised how often you’ll think of ways to use one.

To give you some inspiration and get the creative juices flowing, check out the month’s flower, zodiac,  holidays, fun trivia, and quotes. Take a guess at what the March Flower is. 

Flowers are a meaningful birthday gift, which are made even better with a personal VideoStamp message. March’s flower is the daffodil (the jonquil works too). The daffodil has six petals with a bell-shaped crown and is typically white or yellow, but you can find more colors depending on your florist.

Since daffodils bloom early and March brings the first day of spring, daffodils symbolize rebirth, hope, and new beginnings. An old wives’ tale says that whoever sees the first blooming daffodil of the season will be blessed with good fortune throughout the year.

March Zodiac 

It is important to note that birth flowers by month often differ from their Zodiacal counterparts. Depending on the birthday, March is either Pisces (Feb 19 – March 20) or Aries (March 21 – April 19). The Pisces flower is the water lily. Delicate and beautiful, water lilies reflect the personality of the Pisces – artistic, intuitive, and playful. Inspired by Greek water nymphs, water lilies also symbolize purity (white), passion (red), and friendship (pink).

For Aries, it’s the honeysuckle, with its lovely, sweet fragrance. Honeysuckles symbolize new beginnings and perseverance, which flow nicely with the Aries personality traits of enthusiasm, optimism, and a youthful spirit.

Whatever flower you choose, attach a VideoStamp sticker or card and enlighten the birthday person with the symbolic meaning of their flower. Check out our VideoStamps birthday card!

March Holidays and National Days

Some notable ones suitable for VideoStamp stickers and/or cards include:

March 3 – Employee Appreciation Day
March 4 – National Grammar Day (don’t never use double negatives!)
March 7 – National Cereal Day
March 9 – Get Over It Day
March 11 – National Workplace Napping Day
March 12 – National Working Moms Day
March 14 – Pi Day (figure it out)
March 15 – True Confessions Day
March 17 – St Patrick’s Day
March 18 – Awkward Moments Day (gee, wonder why?)
March 22 – Goof Off Day
March 23 – National Puppy Day
March 25 – National Tolkien Reading Day (my precious…)
March 26 – Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (VideoStamps Day!)
March 28 – Something on a Stick Day
March 29 – Smoke and Mirrors Day
March 30 – National Doctor’s Day
March 31 – National “She’s Funny That Way” Day

SO many ideas to choose from! Leave a VideoStamp with someone you know who will love your message. All you need is the VideoStamp Variety Pack

March Gift Ideas

March has lots of gift-giving opportunities, as we transition from winter into spring. Fun holidays and national days help out too!

National Pi Day: You’ll see lots of deals around 3-1-4, like a slice of pizza for $3.14. Take advantage!

For St. Patrick's Day, anything green will do. Remember you ‘re supposed to wear something green, and some say a hat is cheating. Give green socks, a T-shirt, or a tie. Go crazy with sequins. Leprechauns love sequins. Plus, nearly every retailer will have some kind of St. Paddy’s Day sale, from mattresses and pet supplies to kitchen goods and cars.


March is a good month to stock up on Travel Gear. It’s warming up for some of us and nearly half of US schools and colleges are on spring break. Maybe it’s time for some new luggage or travel amenities, like waterproof bags, camping/hiking gear, and gift cards to outdoor outfitters like REI and Patagonia.

It's also smart to get your Winter Gear on! It’s not warming up for some of us yet, and we’re still getting snow. Stock up for next year! Get the best deals on all kinds of winter gear as the season starts winding down



Now you know – March Trivia

If anyone asks you what you learned today, you’ll be ready. Send someone a March trivia VideoStamp, but don’t tell them the answer. See if their “replay” is correct!

  • March has two birthstones – aquamarine and bloodstone, symbolizing courage.
  • The name March comes from the Roman god of war, Mars, and is named such in Julian and Gregorian calendars.
  • March 15th. Try eating a Caesar salad. Why? See the quotes below. “Et tu, Brute?”
  • Spring begins on March 20, but is it a solstice or an equinox? Solstices are in December and June and mark the shortest and longest days of the year (summer and winter). Equinoxes mark the days in March and September when the sun is directly about the Equator, when the day and night are equal in length (spring and fall).
  • Spring Forward on March 12th. Set your clocks forward one hour. Ugh. Why is it so dark? I hate mornings. But, hey the sun is out later and only 8 months until we fall back.
  • March is statistically the least productive day of the year. Businesses will lose $4 billion in wages paid due to employees spending company time watching March Madness.
  • On March 31, 1889, Gustave Eiffel led a group of people to the top of his design, which was the main attraction of the Paris World’s Fair of that year. At its original height of 1,024 feet it was the tallest structure in the world for 49 years. Elevators weren’t installed until June. Poor Gustave.

March Quotes

Send a VideoStamp with a quote to a friend who will appreciate it. They’ll think you’re smart.

March comes “in like a lion, out like a lamb.”
― Thomas Fuller

That come before the swallow dares, and take
The winds of March with beauty.”
William Shakespeare (The Winter’s Tale)

“Beware the Ides of March”
William Shakespeare (Julius Caesar, yes, it’s the day he was murdered)

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

“March is the month God created to show people who don’t drink what a hangover is like.”
Garrison Keillor

Reading next

New VideoStamps Variety Pack is Here!
March is Employee Spirit Month!

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